Thursday, June 18, 2009


Haiti gets into you.

It gets under your skin and up your nose and all over your feet.

It pours over your head like a cold shower and drips out of your pores.

It slams your vision with images of people - faces you may or may not remember, but in places you will never forget: thronging an open market, picking through a garbage heap, lying alone in a crib reaching up to be held.

It won't be silent, filling your ears with beeping horns, crowing roosters and enthusiastic music at all hours of the day and night.

As it jostles you down rutted roads, it jolts your expectations with startling contrasts: tin-roofed concrete block houses surrounded by lush mango trees, a beautiful home that lacks running water, families bathing and washing clothes in a muddy river minutes away from a clear blue ocean.

And, somehow, while you are distracted by all of its sights, sounds, and smells, Haiti creeps and seeps into your soul. Compassion for its people wraps around your heart and squeezes until you weep for the overwhelming multitude of needs. Who can fix it? No amount of money seems sufficient to satisfy all the starving children, build the necessary infrastructure, and educate millions of illiterates. You begin to understand the mindset of people who live only for today because there is no hope for tomorrow.

But there are bright beacons of hope shining with the love of Jesus all through Haiti. No one can fix everything, but each can help some. Offering hope to a handful of people at a time, they follow God's call to bring up a generation with hope beyond today or tomorrow ... hope into eternity.

Pray for these people who are committing their lives to serve the Lord in Haiti.

And pray for Kris, Andy, Linette, Rebecca, Shane, Michael and me as we seek how God wants to use us in and for Haiti's people. We can wash off our bodies, but we can never rinse Haiti's hold out of our hearts.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Homeward Bound Prayer Requests

we're in the car heading back to port au prince. as we head home, we'd
appreciate prayer for some specific things, sme of which we couldn't
have imagined even a week ago:
* no accidents or road closures to hold us up on the road
* we heard there is a chance of storms in Miami. pray we don't get
delayed going home
* that we don't get held up in US customs (we had a surprising # of
bags inspected by TSA coming down here)
* that we don't bring home any communicable diseases to our families
(we were unaware until afterwards that we had picked up babies with
scabies and accepted kisses from girls who had recently been exposed
to chicken pox)
thanks so much to all for your prayers. it has beenm truly obvious to
us that many have been praying. we look forward to seeing you all

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Medika Mamba Success Story

a child who is gaining weight

Click here to read a news story about how Medika Mamba saves lives!

Painting in Caanan

Kris & Linette carrying Bibles to the clinic at Canaan

P.S. You can click on any of these photos to view them larger. :)

Caanan Baby

this sweet little baby arrived at Canaan yesterday with her 2 brothers & 2 sisters. most of the children here have at least 1 parent surviving, but these kids have lost both parents. their mom died after giving birth to the baby, and their dad died a few days ago. pray for these kids to find friends and fit into the family here.

Prayer Request for Bobi

Our friend Bobi at the Canaan community is suffering from an allergic reaction on several of her fingers - it has begun to spread on her hands. Pray for rapid healing. She needs to be able to work with the Medika Mamba clinic today and return to all her duties here.

Monday, June 15, 2009


This is our driver, whom we have come to love very much. His name is Dieuva. The closest way I can tell tou to say it is Jee- ay- va....but in 2 syllables, not 3. tell my kids it's a new vowel diphthong for them to know......a little homeschooling from Haiti! Anyway, pray blessings on this dear man!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

World Children's Day Fair

this pic was a fair today sponsored by UNICEF where they invited impoverished children. we saw booths from organizations helping children, including some working with handicapped & mentally disabled children

From Rebecca

Bonjour from Haiti. Wonderful worshipful experience this morning.
Thought of you as you were praising and worshipping,too. Won't go into
the "bumps in the road (some quite literal) right now...just know that
our God is good. We have felt your specific prayers answered. Can't
imagine being here without you there!! My prayer before leaving was
for God to give us His eyes, mind and heart, and let us be His hands
and feet. I feel he has honored that request and given us
opportunuties for each. A time to hurt, a time to hope, a time to
serve, and a time to sit and think. Grateful to be here and grateful
for the family and friends we will return to. The needs are great. We
know we will return here. The question is with whom?? And for those
called to stay and intercede, your job is big. When asking the Hatians
how we can pray for them, it wasn't for food or support, but for
UNITY. I heard it several times just today. There is hope in that.
They know to improve things in Haiti, it starts with a united body of
Christ within Haiti. I know God is here and there is a hope for Haiti.
All of us thank each of you!!

a church we drove to this afternoon

ever driven down Lombard st. in san fran? imagine if it was twice as long, rutted & potholed, and two-way traffic. we drove up a street like that to this church. 400 of our Haitian brothers & sisters worship here in the open air with a minimal roof, mildewed walls and crumbling concrete.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

These are at 3 Angels

The kids around Linette

The kids love Shane's hat!

rental car...

rental car wouldn't start ... on our way now ... pray battery stays connected!

Full Days, Full of Grace

Yesterday was a veru full day. After a wongerful breakfast, we walked up the street (literally UP - like walking in San Fran) to a Christian school connected with the HCH ministry. Children in Haitian schoools who have the opportunity for an education receive one better than US kids! They advance grades only when they can pass a govt test for their grade. By the time they finish, they have a full education in math, sciences and languages - fluent in creole, french, english and spanish! We are here during the exam season and sat in on a worship service where the school director & teachers encouraged the kids to do their best, to prepare for God's call on their lives, and to treat one another with reaspect.

After that visit, we were priviged to help bless Nick & Gwen, the newly arrived HCH soon-to-be house parents, by helping move their stored supplies to their new house and cleaning it up. While Rebecca & Shane scrubbed down the kitchen, Linette, Kris & I made trips back & forth in the truck to bring all the household supplies. After lunch and lots of sweeping J mopping, we met Nick & Gwen as they returned to Jacmel following their 6 wks of language school.

A quock stop at Danny & Leanne's house was followed by souvenir shopping for handmade Haitian crafts and a visit to the beautiful land where they plan to begin building 8 homes, 2 schools, a well to provude water for the community, and more.

We returned a little late for dinner but had a short time to be refreshed before going back up the street for the Friday night English church service. It was a blessing to worship with songs we knew and hear Danny speak an encouraging message about God's faithfulness.

Today we got up early again to drive back to Port au Prince. At almost 10:00, we're getting in to town and looking forward to 2 more orphanage visits today. We keep looking at each other and remarking on how early it still is considering all we have done. We truly feel God's amazing grace each day and can tell so .amy are praying for us.

BTW! forgive any spelling errors since I'm typing on the cell phone while on a really bumpy bus ride!

good morning! there are houses like this on both sides of the nice guest house where we're staying.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Haitian Kids in Worship

(in a Christian school)
At 5 am the city of Jacmel is alive. Through the open window I hear roosters crowing and mopeds buzzing up and down the street beeping at one another.

The young men of Jacmel rent these mopeds for $40 per day and use them as taxis. They charge their passengers $1 per ride. Some days they make a little profit, and some days they fall short, but as out host Nixon (a Haitian himself) told me last night, the important thing is that they keep busy in a productive way, keeping them out of trouble.

But at 5 am, even though I went to bed at 9 last night (8 back home in CO), my body is not ready to be awake. I haven't yet made up for the serious sleep defecit of the night before. While the Lord definitely graced us with all we needed for a full day after only 2 hours of sleep, we needed every bit of rest we could find. So at 5 am, I rearrange myself under the mosquito netting, manage to tune out the noises and sleep for another hour.

But by 6 am, my mind and body are ready to go. I am excited for what this day holds. Just in one day, I have begun to share Danny Pye's vision for sharing God's love in this city. And I have fallen in love with this people - a beautiful people who live day-to-day, not thinking of what may come tomorrow. A people full of music and the rhythms of life. A people who need so much to find security and hope in the Lord. A people who are like sheep without a shepherd. As Jesus said, pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His field.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Small MAF plane we took to Jacmel

this is after we met danny pye (he is in the pic walking away from the bldg)
Hello America...
We've landed in Jacmel!! We've spent the day with the Pye family and their 24 kids! It was amazing to see the dynamics of their family, quite different than the typical
American family. We played at the beach with them today, saw a litte bit of Jacmel and saw the land they just purchased for future expansion of their ministry, we spent the evening in their home, and are now back at the Team House. We appreciate your prayers so much. Here is how God has answered prayers.....our flights were smooth and safe...customs was a breeze....and we got all our bags, which are donations for the orphans, so we were very thankful.
We miss our fam, but grateful for this opportunity and steadily praying for God's eyes and heart. We hope He speaks to us on how we can help the needs here in Haiti.
Overall, where we are now is much cleaner and safer than we expected, but talk to us after we get back to Port au Prince!!

I don't really know...

what this is. But they sent me this pic on email a little while ago. :)I think that may be Shane in the back of the truck, though...

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Dallas Airport

(photo of Kris trying to get a wireless signal in the airport)
Hey to all. Thanks for posting Angela. Means a lot to know yall are
praying. If you could pass on the latest...REALLY BAD storms in
Dallas. Have heard mention of tornadoes. We're sitting on tarmack
waiting it out, but don't fly to Haiti until early tomorrow morn, so
we're happy to sit here, safe and sound.
As soon as we do arrive in PaP, we fly to Jacmel and will spend time
with the older orphans at their local beach. This will be a good
transition time for us before we head back into the heart of PaP on
Sat. The Pyes have lots to share @ their ministry, we look forward to
hearing and sharing with you all. Still storming still waiting:).
Thanks for praying for our flight tonight!
Hugs all around!

They are on their way!

(I, Angela, just got this note and picture from one of the girls!)

we're sitting in the airport waiting to board the plane for the first leg of our flight. everything has been perfect so far - even a gate attendant who let my slightly overweight bags through with no charge.

Monday, June 8, 2009

An Answered Prayer

Linette didn't have time to get on the blog today, but she wanted to let everyone who has been praying for her that she has recovered from the bronchitis/respiratory infection she was trying to fight off a week ago. One of our prayers answered! Praise God!

Pray for Us

If I could sum up our prayer needs for the coming weeks, I'd say simply, "safety, health & effective ministry." But here are some specifics - pray as you feel led, whether for something specific or just a simple prayer for safety, health and effective ministry.

All of us to remain healthy before and while traveling
For us to not have problems with anything we eat

Family relationships:
enjoy time with spouses and children before we leave
feeling of “connection” with family while we’re gone
families to function well without us at home
safety for husbands & children at home

protection from spiritual attacks and oppression
safe travel to and within Haiti
protection from any who would seek to harm us in Haiti

Bags of donations to pass through customs in Haiti

Effective ministry, know how best to serve

See God’s long-term purpose for ongoing ministry in Haiti

This is Cool...

I just figured out I can use my cell phone to update this blog. Since I didn't want to take my laptop to Haiti, this makes things a little easier for me! Now pray I can keep the phone charged during the trip. We take it for granted here - if my cell phone battery dies, it's probably because I forgot to plug it in. But from what I have heard, electricity in Haiti is an intermittent luxury. So prayer will be necessary!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Packed and Ready???

We just got our 10 "care- cases" packed tonight. Thanks so much for all of the donations and love you are sending to these Haitians in need, as well as the missionaries that serve them full time. We are grateful for your partnership with us in the thing God is doing. Thanks for checking in, and please do so as we're gone. We appreciate your prayers, and will do everythign we can to keep yall posted on what's going on in Haiti each day!



Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Our Itinerary

After months of praying and planning, we're down to one week from departure. As I consider what to pack in my personal bag, I'm becoming more excited about what is going to go in my checked luggage - 2 bags each filled with 50 pounds of supplies for one or two ministries in Haiti.

Here's a quick overview of our day-by-day plans for the trip:

Wed, June 10: travel day from home to Miami
Thurs, June 11: fly to Port au Prince, take a MAF (Mission Aviation Fellowship) flight to Jacmel, Haiti where we will meet Danny Pye of the Haitian Children's Home (
Fri, June 12: another day at the Haitian Children's Home
Sat, June 13: Danny will drive us back to Port au Prince, then we will head out to visit and take donations to 2 orphanages outside the city: God's Littlest Angels ( and Three Angels (
Sun, June 14: attend a church planted by Missions Door ( and possibly see their local community center
Mon, June 15: visit the office of Compassion International where we will meet a child sponsored by Kris' family and see some of their ministry then drive to Montrouis where we will spend the final days at Canaan Orphanage ( Bobi Bender, a missionary at Canaan, has been helping us with much of our planning, and we're looking forward to serving with her.
Tues, June 16: Canaan's Medika Mamba clinic day (
Wed, June 17: flying back home

I'm sure we'll have more prayer requests in the next few days, but for now we ask prayer for these few items:
* health in the coming week and strength for packing & preparation
* details of our "transition" times in travel, particularly upon arrival in Port au Prince

Thanks for sharing in blessing the people of Haiti!

Pneumas and a Pa in Haiti...

This blog is set up for friends and family of shane and rebecca, kris, karen and linette, so that we can follow along on their journey to minister in Haiti! Travel plans are for June 10-17. Please be in prayer for them as they travel and be His hands and feet to those in need in Haiti!!
More details, and prayer requests to come!