Friday, June 12, 2009

At 5 am the city of Jacmel is alive. Through the open window I hear roosters crowing and mopeds buzzing up and down the street beeping at one another.

The young men of Jacmel rent these mopeds for $40 per day and use them as taxis. They charge their passengers $1 per ride. Some days they make a little profit, and some days they fall short, but as out host Nixon (a Haitian himself) told me last night, the important thing is that they keep busy in a productive way, keeping them out of trouble.

But at 5 am, even though I went to bed at 9 last night (8 back home in CO), my body is not ready to be awake. I haven't yet made up for the serious sleep defecit of the night before. While the Lord definitely graced us with all we needed for a full day after only 2 hours of sleep, we needed every bit of rest we could find. So at 5 am, I rearrange myself under the mosquito netting, manage to tune out the noises and sleep for another hour.

But by 6 am, my mind and body are ready to go. I am excited for what this day holds. Just in one day, I have begun to share Danny Pye's vision for sharing God's love in this city. And I have fallen in love with this people - a beautiful people who live day-to-day, not thinking of what may come tomorrow. A people full of music and the rhythms of life. A people who need so much to find security and hope in the Lord. A people who are like sheep without a shepherd. As Jesus said, pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His field.


  1. Beautiful, Karen. Praying today! So exciting to be following you daily as you serve Him there!

  2. Praying for you today!! Aren't they beautiful people?! Inside and out! I'm sure you will experience how hungry they are for the Truth. It's such a culture shock to be able to talk about Jesus freely and they know who He is, but to be able to share the Lord's heart for them is an amazing blessing. Blessings!!!
