Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Homeward Bound Prayer Requests

we're in the car heading back to port au prince. as we head home, we'd
appreciate prayer for some specific things, sme of which we couldn't
have imagined even a week ago:
* no accidents or road closures to hold us up on the road
* we heard there is a chance of storms in Miami. pray we don't get
delayed going home
* that we don't get held up in US customs (we had a surprising # of
bags inspected by TSA coming down here)
* that we don't bring home any communicable diseases to our families
(we were unaware until afterwards that we had picked up babies with
scabies and accepted kisses from girls who had recently been exposed
to chicken pox)
thanks so much to all for your prayers. it has beenm truly obvious to
us that many have been praying. we look forward to seeing you all


  1. Thanks for sharing those requests. We are praying you all home !

  2. We are praying here, too, and can't wait to hear ever detail once you are home safe and sound (and rested!) :) We love you and have loved being a part of your journey from afar!
