Sunday, June 14, 2009

From Rebecca

Bonjour from Haiti. Wonderful worshipful experience this morning.
Thought of you as you were praising and worshipping,too. Won't go into
the "bumps in the road (some quite literal) right now...just know that
our God is good. We have felt your specific prayers answered. Can't
imagine being here without you there!! My prayer before leaving was
for God to give us His eyes, mind and heart, and let us be His hands
and feet. I feel he has honored that request and given us
opportunuties for each. A time to hurt, a time to hope, a time to
serve, and a time to sit and think. Grateful to be here and grateful
for the family and friends we will return to. The needs are great. We
know we will return here. The question is with whom?? And for those
called to stay and intercede, your job is big. When asking the Hatians
how we can pray for them, it wasn't for food or support, but for
UNITY. I heard it several times just today. There is hope in that.
They know to improve things in Haiti, it starts with a united body of
Christ within Haiti. I know God is here and there is a hope for Haiti.
All of us thank each of you!!


  1. i don't think you are getting emails, but i think you can read! thanks for your email rebecca! i love you and am praying hard for you guys. this post gave me chills and i know God is using you. Can't wait for you to get home, so I can hear all about it over a hot cuppa joe. LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU ALL!

  2. k-did you want me to post your last email? ;) lmk...

  3. You truly give me chills EVERY step of the way. I am blown out of the water at what you're doing! I'm covering you all in prayers, so keep those requests comin'!!!!!!!!!

  4. Linette--love the pict. of you and the kids! What a blessing!!! Praying for you multiple times a day.
    Love you tons,
