Saturday, June 13, 2009

Full Days, Full of Grace

Yesterday was a veru full day. After a wongerful breakfast, we walked up the street (literally UP - like walking in San Fran) to a Christian school connected with the HCH ministry. Children in Haitian schoools who have the opportunity for an education receive one better than US kids! They advance grades only when they can pass a govt test for their grade. By the time they finish, they have a full education in math, sciences and languages - fluent in creole, french, english and spanish! We are here during the exam season and sat in on a worship service where the school director & teachers encouraged the kids to do their best, to prepare for God's call on their lives, and to treat one another with reaspect.

After that visit, we were priviged to help bless Nick & Gwen, the newly arrived HCH soon-to-be house parents, by helping move their stored supplies to their new house and cleaning it up. While Rebecca & Shane scrubbed down the kitchen, Linette, Kris & I made trips back & forth in the truck to bring all the household supplies. After lunch and lots of sweeping J mopping, we met Nick & Gwen as they returned to Jacmel following their 6 wks of language school.

A quock stop at Danny & Leanne's house was followed by souvenir shopping for handmade Haitian crafts and a visit to the beautiful land where they plan to begin building 8 homes, 2 schools, a well to provude water for the community, and more.

We returned a little late for dinner but had a short time to be refreshed before going back up the street for the Friday night English church service. It was a blessing to worship with songs we knew and hear Danny speak an encouraging message about God's faithfulness.

Today we got up early again to drive back to Port au Prince. At almost 10:00, we're getting in to town and looking forward to 2 more orphanage visits today. We keep looking at each other and remarking on how early it still is considering all we have done. We truly feel God's amazing grace each day and can tell so .amy are praying for us.

BTW! forgive any spelling errors since I'm typing on the cell phone while on a really bumpy bus ride!

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