Monday, June 8, 2009

Pray for Us

If I could sum up our prayer needs for the coming weeks, I'd say simply, "safety, health & effective ministry." But here are some specifics - pray as you feel led, whether for something specific or just a simple prayer for safety, health and effective ministry.

All of us to remain healthy before and while traveling
For us to not have problems with anything we eat

Family relationships:
enjoy time with spouses and children before we leave
feeling of “connection” with family while we’re gone
families to function well without us at home
safety for husbands & children at home

protection from spiritual attacks and oppression
safe travel to and within Haiti
protection from any who would seek to harm us in Haiti

Bags of donations to pass through customs in Haiti

Effective ministry, know how best to serve

See God’s long-term purpose for ongoing ministry in Haiti

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you guys EVERY DAY!
    How fun that you all are updating already! :)
    LOVE it.
